That's what drives us. Since 1996
Dolphin is simply the best water you can have, delivered to the most convenient location and served cold, hot or sparkling, just the way you like it.
Dolphin is quality you can rely on and service you can trust. Water from the heart of nature, bottled right at the source in certified plants. Delivery is handled by dedicated staff, trained to handle food products; service experts who install and sanitize the dispenser on-site.
A lot has happened since our first dispenser was installed and our vision has become our mission. Dolphin is now Europe's leading water supplier. In Slovakia alone, our customers drink more than 5 million litres of top quality water annually in more than 2,500 businesses. This keeps them healthy and productive, and we are proud of that. We are proud to serve them.
Dolphin's mission is to provide quality water to people at work, anywhere, anytime.
We acknowledge that providing water at work contributes to a healthier working environment, improving the wellbeing of the people and thereby their productivity.
Dolphin is a reliable and trustworthy partner, and a tier-1 brand in the ever evolving water and cooler market, leading in the field of quality and sustainability.
Our values
Social responsibility
At Dolphin we believe that we can together make a difference. In every way we try to support initiatives that encourage local participation and charity. We sponsor sports-, community- and entrepreneurial events and actively participate in voluntary platforms to give something in return to the communities we depend upon.
At Dolphin we care for our planet, and we aim to minimise our carbon footprint and help others to do so too. We select durable equipment with energy saving features and recyclable parts and we offer sustainable products like biodegradable paper cups and reusable drinking bottles. We encourage a circular economy and motivate our customers to do the same.
Hygiene awareness
Water is the feeding ground for every living organism. It can be easily affected in taste, odour or colour, and contaminated if not treated properly. It is therefore essential we handle our products with the highest possible hygienical care. From source to bottle, from warehouse to client, from cooler to cup, hygiene awareness must be regarded at every step.
Delivering quality
Voda je kľúčom k životu. Zabezpečuje zdravie a produktivitu a jednoducho bez nej nemôžeme žiť. Voda, ktorú pijeme, však musí mať najvy ššiu kvalitu a spotrebitelia Dolphin sa na ňu musia môcť vždy spoľahnúť. V spoločnosti Dolphin si vyberáme prvotriednych svetových dodávateľov, zavádzame najprísnejšie normy a snažíme sa našim zákazníkom poskytovať výrobky a služby v najvyššej možnej kvalite.