An environmentally friendly process from source to consumption
Dolphin considers the environmental impact of its processes along the entire chain, from managing the production and delivery of water from source to point of consumption.
Our suppliers are selected based on their eco-friendly approach and the materials they use to promote recycling and reduce packaging. We bottle our spring water directly from our own certified source, controlling minimal use of natural resources, transportation and waste disposal.

Understanding the problem
Only one third of the plastic bottles used to make mineral water are collected for recycling, while the remaining two thirds end up in landfills or incinerators. The annual consumption of 12 billion litres of bottled water requires - just to produce the bottles - a significant amount of resources.
Plastic bottles, although convenient, are a serious environmental problem because PET bottles, which are not recycled, take almost a thousand years to decompose naturally.
Dolphin Ecological Solutions

Reducing waste
Spoločnosť Dolphin aktívne pracuje na znižovaní množstva odpadu počas celého životného cyklu našich výrobkov. Odstránili sme balenie výdajníkov do krabíc a namiesto toho sme sa rozhodli pre prepravu v systéme vyrobenom z recyklovaného plastu. Okrem toho u našich zákazníkov podporujeme používanie elektronickej fakturácie, ktorá pomáha šetriť papier. Tieto snahy dokazujú náš záväzok minimalizovať množstvo odpadu a chrániť životné prostredie.

Environmentally friendly products
Dolphin is dedicated to producing eco-friendly solutions. Our range of products are designed with sustainability in mind, including 100% recyclable PC bottles, water dispensing equipment made from durable polycarbonate and stainless steel, and compressors working with environmentally friendly R134a refrigerant. In this way, we strive to ensure that our operations remain as environmentally friendly as possible.

Energy saving
At Dolphin, we take energy saving seriously. Our water dispensers are designed with an energy-saving cooling system that significantly reduces energy consumption. Features such as integrated cooling probes and standby switching further enhance our products' ability to save energy.

Recycling is an integral part of Dolphin's operational ethos. We choose 100% recyclable materials such as stainless steel and polycarbonate to manufacture our water dispensers and bottles. This allows us to reuse over 85% of the material from our products, which plays a significant role in reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.