Let us remind you of some important services available to you and
you can easily use them at any time.
Easy to order
You can easily order our products and services online 24/7 at our
website using the customer forms, or by phone (02/206
200 80) and by email (sales@dolphin.sk) during office hours.
Automatic delivery
Dolphin delivers water automatically according to your consumption data, in a convenient
you time and directly to the dispenser. With this unique service you have the guarantee that
you'll never be without water. If your water consumption has gone down or up,
we will automatically change the frequency of your deliveries so that you don't have water or
more or less than you need. However, if you happen to run out of barrels,
of course, we will deliver them to your request. Order on our
products and services can be easily arranged online 24/7 on our website
or by phone and email during office hours.
For a safe and hygienically perfect drinking regime, regular
sanitizing your dispenser. Twice a year we carry out disinfection and cleaning
external parts of the dispenser and replacement of sanitation kits. Sanitation measure
is designed for all parts of the dispenser that come into contact with water. This
we prevent pollution and the formation of dangerous bacteria and make sure that
the condition of your dispenser meets strict food standards.
Dolphin technicians aren't just technicians - they're SWCA certified specialists. Easily
you'll recognize them by their classic Dolphin uniforms and their willingness to help in solving
any questions you may have about our dispensers. Our technicians will perform
cleaning and sanitizing your dispenser and help with storing bottles in your
premises. If you need extra services, for example related to temporary
by increasing water consumption or you think your dispenser needs sanitation
or technical measures - just let our technicians know during their
Visits. They are always ready to help you.
To order and use our services, please click on our customer form.